Determination of water content of a soil sample suspected to contain gypsum is made by drying the sample for longer period at a temperature not more than
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Pick up the correct statement from the following
1.The void space between the soil grains, is filled partly with air and partly with water
2.In perfectly saturated soil, the voids are completely filled with water
3. In dry soil, the voids are completely filled with air
4.all the above.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
1.Kaolinite is most stable clay
2.Kaolinite shows a very little sign of swelling on wetting
3. Kaolinite when wet, becomes moderately plastic because negative electro magnetic charges on platelets attrack water
4.All the above.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The compressibility of clays, is caused due to:
1.expulsion of double layer water from in between the grains
2.sliping of particles to new positions of greater density
3. bending of particles as elastic sheets
4.all the above.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The ratio of the volume of voids to the total volume of the given soil mass, is known
2. specific gravity
3.void ratio
4.water content.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
A phreatic line is defined as the line within a dam section below which there are
1. positive equipotential lines
2. positive hydrostatic pressure
3.negative hydrostatic pressure
4.negative equipotential lines
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
If the specific gravity of a soil particle of 0.05 cm diameter is 2.67, its terminal velocity while settling in distilled water of viscosity, 0.01 poise, is
1. 0.2200 cm/sec
2.0.2225 cm/sec
3.0.2250 cm/sec
4.0.2275 cm/sec
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Pick up the correct statement from the following :
1. To an agriculturist, soil is the substance existing on the earth's surface, which grows and develops plants
2.To a geologist, soil is the material in a relatively thin surface zone within which roots occur, and rest of the crust is termed as rock irrespective of hardness
3.To an engineer, soil is the unaggregated and uncemented deposits of minerals and organic particles covering the earth's crust
4.All the above.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The compression index of a soil
1.decreases with an increase in the liquid limit
2.increases with an increase in the liquid limit
3. decreases with an increase in the plastic limit not related with plastic limit.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The degree of saturation of the soil sample stated in Q. No, 216, is
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The ratio of settlement at any time 't' to the final settlement, is known as of consolidation of consolidation
3. consolidation index
4.consolidation of undisturbed soil.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The ratio of the difference between the void ratio of the soil in its loosest state and its natural void ratio (e) to the difference between the void ratios in the loosest and fully dense state, is generally termed as of density
3.density index
4.all the above.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Water content of a soil sample is the difference of the weight of the given sample at the given temperature and the weight determined after drying it for 24 hours at temperature ranging from
1.80° to 90°C
2.90° to 95°C
3.90° to 95°C
4.105° to 110°C
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
260 g of wet soil was taken in a pycnometer jar of weight 400 g in order to find the moisture content in the soil, with specific gravity of soil particles 2.75. The weight of soil and remaining water filled in pycnometer without air bubbles was 1415 g and the weight of pycnometer filled with water alone was 1275 g. The moisture content in the soil is
4.none of these.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
A decrease in water content results in a reduction of the volume of a soil in
1.liquid state
2.plastic state
3. semi solid state
4.. all of these.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
A partially saturated soil is classified as phase soil
2.two phase soil
3.three phase soil
4.four phase soil
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
A pile is being driven with a drop hammer weighing 1800 kg and having a free fall of 1.00 m. If the penetration with last blow is 5 mm, the load carrying capacity of the pile, -according to the Engineering News formula, is
1.100 tonnes
2.50 tonnes
3.20 tonnes
4.10 tonnes
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
According to the Indian Standards the specific gravity is the ratio of the unit weight of soil solids to that of water at a temperature of
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Buoyant unit weight equals the saturated density
1.multiplied by unit weight of water
2.divided by unit weight of water
3. plus unit weight of water
4.minus unit weight of water.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
For determing the specific gravity of soil solids, using a pycnometer of 500 cc., the following data is available : Weight of dry empty pycnometer = 125 g Weight of dried soil and pycnometer = 500 g Weight of dried soil and distilled = 850 g water filled in pycnometer up to top The specific gravity of soil soilds, is
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
For determining the moisture content of a soil sample, the following data is available Weight of container = 260 g, Weight of soil sample and = 320 g container, Weight of soil sample (dried) and = 310 g container. The moisture content of the soil sample, is
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
For shear strength, triaxial shear test is suitable because can be performed under all three drainage conditions
2.precise measurement of the pore pressure and volume change during the test is possible
3.stress distribution on the failure plane, is uniform
4.all the above.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The maximum shear stress occurs on the filament which makes an angle with the horizontal plane equal to
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Number of piles required to support a column, is
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
1. An unconfined compression test is a special case of triaxial compression test
2.An unconfined compression test is a special case of direct shear test
3.The confining pressure is maximum during an unconfined compression test
4. The cylindrical specimen of a soil is subjected to major principal stress till it fails due to shearing along the plane of the failure.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
1.The property of a soil that enables it to become stiff in a relatively short time on standing is called thixotropy
2.The ratio of shear strength in natural state to the remoulded shear strength under undrained conditions, is called degree of sensitivity.z
3.The difference between the undisturbed shear strength and remoulded shear strength is known remoulding loss
4.All the above.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
1.Illite bond is weaker than Kaolinite bond
2.Illite bond is stronger than montmorillonite bond
3.Illites do not swell when wet
4. All the above.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Pick up the correct statement from the following:
1.If the ratio of depth to width is less than 2, it is shallow foundation
2.If the ratio of depth to width is more than 2, it is deep foundation
3.If the ratio of the length to width is between 1 and 2, it is spread foundation
4.All the above.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Pick up the in-correct statement from the following: The soils which contain montmorillonite minerals
1.swell more when wet
2.shrink more when dry
3.possess high plasticity
4.possess high coefficient of internal coefficient
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Pick up the incorrect statement from the following:
1.Compaction has no effect on the structure of a soil
2. Permeability decreases with increase in the dry density of a compacted soil
3.A wet side compacted soil is more compressible than a dry side compacted soil
4.Dry side compaction soils swell more when given access to moisture
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The angle between the directions of the failure and the major principal plane, is equal to
1.90° + effective angle of shearing resistance
2.90° + half of the angle of shearing resistance
3.45° - half of the angle of shearing resistance
4.45° + half of the angle of shearing resistance.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The critical exist gradient of seepage water in soils, is
1.directly proportional to the voids ratio
2. inversely proportional to the specific gravity
3. directly proportional to the specific gravity
4.none of these.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The direct shear test suffers from the following disadvantage:
1.Drain condition cannot be controlled
2.Pore water pressure cannot be measured
3. Shear stress on the failure plane is not uniform
4.The area under the shear and vertical loads does not remain constant throughout the test
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The maximum load carried by a pile, when it continues to sink without further increase of load, is known as
1. ultimate load carrying capacity
2.ultimate bearing capacity
3.ultimate bearing resistant
4.all the above.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The soil moisture driven off by heat, is called water
2.hydroscopic water
3.gravity water
4.none of these.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The soil which contains finest grain particles, is
1.coarse sand
2.fine sand
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
The Westergaard analysis is used for
1.sandy soils
2.cohesive soils
3. stratified soils
4.clayey soils.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
Water formed transported soil is
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25
You are given a sample of soil containing coarse grains to determine its water content, you will use
2.oven-drying method
3.calcium carbide method
4. alcohol method.
Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:36:25