Engineering/Civil Engineering MCQS-Surveying Section 8 Sample Test,Sample questions

In case of a double line river, contours are

1.stopped at the banks of the river

2.stopped at the edge of the river

3.drawn across the water

4.drawn by parabolic curves having their vertex at the centre of the water.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

The representation of general topography of a very flat terrain is possible only drawing contours at large interval

2. by drawing contours at small interval giving spot levels at large interval giving spot levels to salient features at close interval.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

  Pick up the correct statement from the following

1. the contour lines having the same elevation cannot unite and continue as one line

2. a contour can not end abruptly, but must ultimately close itself not necessarily within the limits of map.

3.the direction of steepest slope at a point on a contour is at right angles to the contour

4. all the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

A transit is oriented by setting its vernier A to read the back azimuth of the preceding line. A back sight on the preceding transit station taken and transit is rotated about its vertical axis. The vernier A reads

1.azimuth of the forward line

2.bearing of the. forward line

3.back bearing of the forward line

4.equal to 360°-azimuth of the forward line.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

Contours of different elevations may cross each other only in the case of over hanging cliff

2.a vertical cliff

3.a saddle inclined plane.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

Correction per chain length of 100 links along a slope of α radians, is

1. 100 α2

2.100 α

3.100 α3

4.100 α-1.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

Determining the difference in elevation between two points on the surface of the earth, is known as


2.simple levelling

3.differential levelling

4. longitudinal levelling.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

During levelling if back sight is more than foresight

1.The forward staff is at lower point

2.The back staff is at lower point

3.The difference in level, cannot be ascertained.

4.none of these.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

A transit is oriented by setting its vernier A to read the back azimuth of the preceding line. A back sight on the preceding transit station taken and transit is rotated about its vertical axis. The vernier A reads

1.The directions of plumb lines suspended at different points in a survey are not strictly parallel

2. In surveys of small extent, the effect of curvature may be ignored and the level surface of the earth is assumed as horizontal

3.In surveys of large extent, the effect of curvature of the earth must be considered

4.All the above.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

In case of a direct vernier scale

1.graduations increase in opposite direction in which graduations of the main scale increase

2.smallest division is longer than smallest division of the main scale

3.graduations increase in the same direction in which graduations of the main scale increase

4.none of these.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

In geodetic surveys higher accuracy is achieved, if

1. curvature of the earth surface is ignored

2.curvature of the earth surface is taken into account

3.angles between the curved lines are treated as plane angles

4.none of these.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

In geodetic surveys higher accuracy is achieved, if

1.curvature of the earth surface is ignored

2. curvature of the earth surface is taken into account

3.angles between the curved lines are treated as plane angles

4. none of these.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

Permanent adjustments of a level are

1.2 in number

2.3 in number

3.4 in number

4.6 in number

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

The bearing of line AB is 152° 30' and angle ABC measured clockwise is 124° 28'. The bearing of BC is

1.27° 52'

2.96° 58'

3. 148° 08'

4.186° 58'

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

The radius of a simple circular curve is 300 m and length of its specified chord is 30 m. The degree of the curve is





Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

The surface of zero elevation around the earth, which is slightly irregular and curved, is known as

1.mean sea level

2.geoid surface

3.level surface

4. horizontal surface.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

Two contour lines, having the same elevation

1. cannot cross each other

2.can cross each other

3.cannot unite together

4.can unite together.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48

While working on a plane table, the correct rule is :

1.Draw continuous lines from all instrument stations

2.Draw short rays sufficient to contain the points sought

3.Intersection should be obtained by actually drawing second rays

4. Take maximum number of sights as possible from each station to distant objects.

Posted Date:-2021-05-13 01:29:48


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