At the producer level, if 20J of energy is trapped, then how much energy will be available to a peacock as food in the subsequent chain? Plant -> Mice -> Snake -> Peacock
1. 0.2 J
2.0.02 J
3. 0.002 J
4.0.0002 J
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
A cornea transplant is never rejected in humans because
1. it consists of enucleated cells is a non-living layer has no blood supply
4.its cells are least penetrable by bacteria
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
During the germination of seeds, the seed coat ruptures due to
1.massive imbibition of water
2.differentiation of cotyledons
3. a sudden increase in cell division
4.massive glycolysis in cotyledons and endosperm
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
A few normal seedlings of tomato were placed in a dark room. After a few days, they were found to have turned white-coloured like albinos. Which of these can be used to describe them?
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
In which of the plant species, parthenocarpy takes place?
1. Mango
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The eye lens is
1. Concave
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The fruit in tomato is classified into _____.
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The transparent lens in the human eye is held in its place by
1.smooth muscles attached to the iris
2.ligaments attached to the ciliary body
3.ligaments attached to the iris
4. smooth muscles attached to the ciliary body
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
This is a characteristic feature of cropland ecosystem
1.Absence of weeds
2. Ecological succession
3.least genetic diversity
4. absence of soil entities
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
This is an incorrect statement
1. rhodopsin is the purplish-red protein situated in rods only
2.Retinal is a derivative of Vitamin C
3.Retinal is the light-absorbing part of visual photopigments
4.the rods in the retina have rhodopsin, a photopigment while cones have three different photopigments
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Tryptophan synthetase of E.coli, a typical bifunctional oligomeric enzyme consists of
1.a protein A and one subunit A
2.a protein designated A
3.two proteins designated A and B
4.a protein designated B
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
What does the tapetum lucidum do? is the coloured part of the eye animals night vision
3.transparent jelly-like fluid is the area where the optic never attaches
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Which of these colours is least scattered by dust, fog, smoke?
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
An albuminous seed showing hypogeal germination is
1. bean
2. castor
3. gram
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
An enzyme which can stimulate the germination of barley seeds is
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
During ecological succession
1.types and numbers of animals remain constant
2.establishment of a new biotic community is fast in its primary phase
3. predictable and gradual changes in species composition take place in a given area
4.changes lead to a community that is in near equilibrium with the environment and is referred to as pioneer community
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Enzyme-driven metabolic pathways can be made more efficient by
1.grouping enzymes into multienzyme free-floating complexes
2.concentrating enzymes with specific cellular compartments
3.fixing enzymes into membranes so they are adjacent to each other
4.all of these
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Gibberellins can facilitate seed germination due to their influence on
1.synthesis of abscisic acid
2.rate of cell division
3. production of hydrolyzing enzymes
4. absorption of water through the hard seed coat
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The nature of an enzyme is
2. Vitamin
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
In alcoholism, this enzyme is elevated
1.acid phosphatase
2. hepatitis
3.serum glutamate pyruvate transaminase
4.glutamyl transpeptidase
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
In an ecosystem, which one of the following types of entities occupies more than one trophic level?
2. Phytoplankton
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
In the human eye, the photosensitive compound is composed of
1.guanosine and retinol
2. transducin and retinene
3.opsin and retinol
4.opsin and retinal
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Limitations of ecological pyramids involve all these statements, except
1.they assume a simple food chain and do not consider food webs the ecological pyramids, saprotrophs are not given any place
3. they do not take into account the same species belonging to two or more trophic levels
4.they do not represent relationships between organisms at different trophic levels
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Macromolecule chitin is
1.a simple polysaccharide
2.sulphur containing polysaccharide
3.phosphorous containing polysaccharide
4.nitrogen containing polysaccharide
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
One of these gases is required for the germination of pea seeds
3.water vapours
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Seed dormancy allows the plants to
1.develop healthy seeds
2.reduce viability
3.overcome unfavourable climatic conditions
4.prevent deterioration of seeds
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The enzyme COX-1 is vital for human health in this way:
1. it is a chemical derivative of aspirin
2.catalyzes the hormone-production which maintains the stomach lining
3.critical for the biosynthesis of DNA
4.helps in the transportation of carbon dioxide in the blood
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The eye of octopus and the eye of cats show different patterns of structure, yet they perform similar functions. This is an example of
1.Homologous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution
2.Homologous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution
3.Analogous organs that have evolved due to convergent evolution
4.Analogous organs that have evolved due to divergent evolution
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The fovea is the mammalian eye is the centre of the visual field wherein
1.the optic nerve exits the eye
2.only rods are found
3. more rods than cones are found
4. no rods but a high density of cones occur
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The innermost layer and the most delicate layer of the eyeball where the photoreceptors are located are
3. Cornea
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The main function of the cornea present in the human eye is
1. structural support to the eye
2. bends light before it reaches the lens
3.changes the shape of the lens enabling image to be focused on the retina
4.contains a concentrated amount of cone cells on the correct orientation
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The persistence of vision for the human eye is
1.1/6th of a second
2. 1/10th of a second
3. 1/16th of a second
4.1/18th of a second
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The process by which fruits are developed without fertilization is called _________.
2. Parthenocarpy
3. Parthenogenesis
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The protective covering over radical during the germination of seeds is
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The proteinaceous part of maize endosperm is
1.Peripheral layer
3. Apophysis
4.Aleurone layer
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The rate at which food energy is assimilated at the trophic level of consumers is known as
1.Gross primary productivity
2.Net primary productivity
3.Secondary productivity
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
The type of cells found in retina are
1.Purkinje cells
2.Schwann cells
3.Neuroglial cells
4.Amacrine cells
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
These are the primary producers of the deep-sea hydrothermal vent ecosystem algae
2.coral reefs
3.chemosynthetic bacteria algae
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
This ecosystem has the maximum biomass
1.Grassland ecosystem
2. Pond ecosystem
3.Lake ecosystem
4.Forest ecosystem
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
This entity will be the first one to colonize a bare rock
1.Herbs and shrubs
2.Annual plants
4.Perennial plants
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
This enzyme was first isolated and purified in the form of crystals
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
This part of the eye dilates and contracts based on the environment
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
This statement about enzymes is true
1.enzymes accelerate reactions by lowering the activation energy
2.enzymes are proteins whose three-dimensional form is key to their function
3.enzymes do not alter the overall change in free energy for a reaction
4.all of these
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
What is the count of genes that determine the synthesis of one enzyme?
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Where will the image of a distant object be formed when a person using a concave lens to correct vision, is not using glasses?
1.behind retina
2. in front of the retina
3.on the blindspot
4.on the yellow spot
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Which of the following plant hormones stimulates the development of parthenocarpic fruit?
3. Gibberellins
4.All of the above
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Which of the following statement is false about parthenocarpy?
1.Fruits developed are seedless
2.The Ovary is stimulated with pollination
3.The process is used as it yields high quality and consistency
4.None of the above
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Which of these compounds can induce seed dormancy?
1.Potassium nitrate
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
Which of these plants will lose their economic value if its fruits are as a result of induced parthenocarpy?
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42
With regards to enzyme action, this statement is incorrect
1. Malonate is a competitive inhibitor of succinic dehydrogenase
2.the substrate binds with the enzyme at its active site
3. the non-competitve inhibitor binds the enzyme at a site distinct from that binding the substrate
4.addition of a lot of succinates does not reverse the inhibition of succinic dehydrogenase by malonate
Posted Date:-2021-02-22 07:20:42