Action of contraceptive is
1.Prevention of ovulation and fertilization only
2. prevent ovulation only
3.prevent rapid passing of eggs in oviduct
4.prevention of ovulation, implantation and fertilization only
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
An apparatus commonly used to demonstrate phototropism is
2.heliotropic chamber
3. potometer
4. arc auxanometer
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
By the contraction of the spermatic cord, the testis of man are not taken to the abdominal cavity due to this structure
1. fat bodies and gubernaculum present over the testis
2.attachment of testis by gubernaculum to the scrotal sac only
3.narrowness of inguinal canal
4.both (b) and (c)
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
The best material for demonstrating streaming movements of protoplasm within living cells is
1. pith cells
2. onion peelings
3.staminal hairs of Tradescantia
4.None of these
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
There are some special types of cells present in the seminiferous tubules known as Sertoli cells which are
1.somatic cells
2.germinal cells
3. protective cells
4.reproductive cells
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
What is the function of copper-T
1.stops oblituation of blastocoel
2. checks mutation
3.stops fertilization
4.stops zygote formation
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Action of cream and jelly is
1.entagles sperm
2.spermicidal and immobilizing the sperms also
3. enables sperms to reach towards ovum speedly
4.prevents the ova from being released
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Action of vaginal diaphragm is
1.prevent the sperm to come in contact with ova
3. spermicidal
4.prevent the ova to come in the uterus
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Another name for Bulbourethral gland is
1.Meibomian gland
2. Prostate gland
3.Perineal gland
4.Cowper’s gland
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Checking of re radiating heat by atmosphere carbon dioxide, dust, methane, ozone is known as effect
2.radioactive effect
3.ozone layer
4.greenhouse effect
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:14:03
Foetal sex can be determined by examining cells from the amniotic fluid by looking for
4.barr bodies
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
CFCs are crucial in global warming along with their role in ozone depletion as it
1.known for destroying ozone, which cools the earth
2.blocks ultraviolet-B radiation
3.absorbs solar radiation
4.absorbs earthshine in 10 micron region
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:14:03
Test tube baby means a baby born when
1.developed in a test tube
2.ovum is fertilized externally and thereafter implanted in uterus
3. it is developed through the tissue culture method
4.developed from a non-fertilized egg
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
If the stem grows towards sunlight and root grows just opposite to it, the stem movement us known as
1.phototropic movement
2.negative phototropic movement
3.positive phototropic movement
4.none of these
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
In man, Cryptorchidism is the condition when
1. testes do not descent into the scrotum
2. there are two testes in each scrotum
3.testis degenerates in the scrotum
4. testis enlarges in the scrotum
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Protoplasmic streaming movements are referred to as
3.autonomic movements of locomotion
4.movements of curvature
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Seminiferous tubules develop central lumen after
1. Old age
2.Prepuberal time
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Surplus of atmospheric carbon dioxide causes an increase in the greenhouse effect as carbon dioxide
1. is opaque to infrared rays not opaque to infrared rays
3.precipitates dust in the atmosphere
4.reduce atmospheric pressure
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:14:03
Tertiary roots are
1.negatively geotropic
3.positively geotropic
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Test tube baby means a baby born when
1.developed in a test tube
2.ovum is fertilized externally and thereafter implanted in uterus
3. it is developed through the tissue culture method
4.developed from a non-fertilized egg
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
The elastic tissue which connects the cauda epididymis to the scrotal sac is
1.Caput epididymis
2.Scrotal ligament
4. Tendinous cord
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
The seminiferous tubules of the testis are lined by the germinal epithelium consisting of
2. cells of Sertoli
4. spermatocytes
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
The success of birth control programme in controlling population growth is dependant on
2.use of contraceptives
3. vasectomy
4.acceptability of the above by the people
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
There is a connective tissue cord extending between the testis and abdominal wall known as
1.mesenteric cord
3.testis cord
4.spermatic cord
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
These cells of the testes secrete testosterone
1.Sertoli cells
2. cells of germinal epithelium
3.Cells of Leydig or interstitial cells
4.secondary spermatocytes
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Through amniocentesis foetal cells can be cultures and tested for detecting various diseases if foetus by
1.DNA Analysis
3.Enzyme production
4.All of these
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Ultraviolet radiations from sunlight cause a reaction producing
1. carbon monoxide
4. sulphur dioxide
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:14:03
Which of the following is a method of birth control
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Which of the following is not a major greenhouse gas?
2.water vapour
4.carbon dioxide
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:14:03
Which of these is an accessory reproductive gland in male mammals
1. Inguinal gland
2.Prostate gland
3.Mushroom-shaped gland
4.Gastric gland
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07
Which one of the following is tested by the technique of amniocentesis
1.chromosomal abnormalities in foetus
2. biochemical abnormalities in foetus
3.errors of metabolism in foetus
4.all the above
Posted Date:-2021-02-21 11:32:07