General Science/Basic Science Electromagnetic Waves Sample Test,Sample questions

A device used to get plane polarized light is


2. spectrometer

3. polarizer

4. pyroheliometer

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

A device using micro crystal of herapathite (iodosulphate of quinine) is used for the production of

1. diffraction

2. X-rays

3. interference pattern

4. polarization of light

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

A mixture of plane polarized light and un-polarized light is known as

1. plane polarized light

2. partially polarized light

3. un-polarized light

4. polarized light

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

According to Brewsters law the tangent of polarizing angle is

1. equal to the refractive index of the medium

2. directly proportional to the square root of the refractive index of the medium

3. same in only one direction namely along the optic axis

4. directly proportional to the square of the refractive index of the medium

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Along the direction of the optic axis of a calcite crystal the ordinary rays travel with

1. the same velocity as that of the extraordinary rays

2. half the velocity of the extraordinary rays

3. two times the velocity of the extraordinary rays

4. ?2 times the velocity of the extraordinary rays

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

An example of biaxial crystal is





Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Brewsters law in polarization of light by reflection states that

1. � = 1/tan ip

2. tan ip = �

3.tan r = �

4. tan-1(ip) = �

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Double diffraction is exhibited by

1. glass

2. gas

3. calcite


Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Double diffraction phenomenon was first observed by

1. Newton

2. Fresnel


4. Brewster

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Example of biaxial crystal is

1. calcite


3. ice

4. topaz

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Example of uniaxial crystal is

1. mica




Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

For one incident ray there will be generally two refracted rays in double refraction in calcite crystals Which of the following statement is correct?

1. Out of two refracted rays one is polarized and the other is not

2. Both are polarize in the same plane of polarization

3. Both are polarized but their planes of polarization are at right angles to each other

4. Neither is polarized

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

From Brewsters law we find that polarizing angle depends on

1. the plane of vibration of the beam

2. the plane of polarization of the beam

3. the refractive index of the medium

4. the thickness of the medium

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

H- Polaroid is a thin film of

1. herpatite impregnated with

2. quinine iodosulphate impregnated with iodine

3.polyvinyl chloride

4. polyvinyl alhohol

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

H-polaroids and K-polaroids are prepared by using

1. Nicol prisms

2. iodosulphate of quinine

3. a thin film of polyvinyl alcohol

4. calcite crystal

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

If the polarizing angle for glass plate is 60� then the refractive index of the glass plate is 05

1. 05

2. ?3/2

3. ?3

4. 1/?2

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

If the refraction index of a medium like glass is � the polarizing angle ip is given by

1. ip = sin-1 (�)

2. ip = cos-1 (�)

3.ip = tan-1 (�)

4.ip = tan �

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

In a doubly refracting crystal along the optic axis the ordinary ray and the extraordinary ray

1. travel with the same velocity

2. have different velocities

3. travel slowly

4. travel faster

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

In Nicol prism the phenomenon that takes place at the layer of Canada balsam isextraordinary and refraction 

1. reflection only

2. total internal reflection for ordinary and refraction for extraordinary rays

3. total internal reflection for

4.for ordinary rays refraction only

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

In Nicol prism the refractive indices for the ordinary ray and the extraordinary ray are

1. 149 and 166 respectively

2. 166 and 149 respectively

3. 155 and 166 respectively

4. 155 for both

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

In polarization the plane of vibration is the plane

1. parallel to the vibration of particles

2. containing the optic axis in which vibrations occur

3. perpendicular to the optic axis

4. containing the direction of propagation of polarized light

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Light is incident on a surface at a polarizing angle 57� Then the reflected beam is at





Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Light waves are



3. like sound waves

4. like pressure waves

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Nicol prism is made up of

1. Nicol crystal

2. calcite

3. mica

4. quartz

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Nicol prism is used to produce

1. diffraction of light

2. polarized light

3. spectrum

4. refraction of light

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

On rotating the analyzer if the intensity of light rays coming out of it varies from maximum to zero then the incident beam of light is

1. un-polarized

2. plane polarized

3. partially polarized

4. polarized

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

On rotating the analyzer if the rays coming out of it has same intensity then the incident beam is

1. plane polarized

2.partially polarized

3. un-polarized


Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

On rotating the analyzer if the rays coming out of it has the intensity varies from maximum to minimum then the incident light is

1. un-polarized

2. plane polarized

3. partially polarized

4. polarized

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Plane of polarization is the plane

1. containing the optic axis

2. in which vibration of particles takes place

3. perpendicular to the plane of vibration containing the direction of propagation of polarized light

4. parallel to the plane of vibration

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Polarization of light by reflection on the surface of glass was discovered by





Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Polarized light when used for viewing Aerial Pictures gives

1. a brighter image

2. more contrast to the image

3. a better perception of depth

4. different colors to the image

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Polaroid are used in aero planes to

1. reduce pressure

2. increase incoming radiations

3. reduce incoming radiations

4. increase pressure

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Sound waves cannot be polarized while light waves can be polarized because

1. sound travels slower than light

2. light waves are transverse while sound waves are longitudinal

3. light waves are longitudinal while sound waves are transverse

4. sound waves have longer wavelength than waves

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The angle of inclination of pile of plates to the axis of the tube is

1. 725�

2. 325�

3. 575�

4. 90�

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The light emerging from a Nicol prism

1. has vibration in all directions

2. has vibration in one direction only

3. has no vibration at all

4. has vibrations in two mutually perpendicular directions

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The light which cannot be completely plane polarized by reflection is

1. red color

2. green color

3.white color

4. blue color

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The optical component used to produce stereoscopic motion picture is


2. Diffraction gratings

3. Beam splitters

4. Interferometers

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The phenomenon that takes place in a Nicol prism is

1. dispersion



4. double refraction

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The phenomenon used in the construction of pie of plates is

1. interference of light

2.diffraction of light

3. refraction of light

4. polarization by reflection

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The phenomenon which proves that light waves are transverse wave is


2. refraction

3. polarization

4. total internal reflection

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The planes of vibrations of the extraordinary and the ordinary rays are

1. parallel to each other

2. perpendicular to each other

3. making an angle of 575� with the axis

4. making an angle of 325� with the axis

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The polarizing angle for glass is about


1. 360�

2. 420�

3. 575�

4. 900�

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The production of stereoscopic motion picture uses the principle of

1. interference


3. polarization

4. reflection

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The property that distinguishes the transverse waves from the longitudinal waves is

1. reflection

2. dispersion



Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

The velocity of the extraordinary ray and that of the ordinary ray in calcite crystal are

1. same in all directions

2. different in all directions

3. same in only one direction namely along the optic axis

4. zero in one direction and more than zero in perpendicular direction

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Tourmaline crystal is

1. an uniaxial crystal

2. a biaxial crystal

3. an opaque crystal

4. a single refracting crystal

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

When light is incident on a plane surface at the polarizing angle the angle between the reflected beam and the refracted beam





Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Which one of the following cannot be polarized

1. sound waves

2. X-rays

3. microwaves

4. radio waves

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Which one of the following is an example biaxial crystal





Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Which one of the following is used to give a three dimensional view in stereoscopic motion picture

1. Polaroid

2. grating

3. prism

4. glass slab

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21

Which one of the following may be used both as a polarizer and a analyzer

1. Nicol prism

2. liquid prism

3. rock crystal

4. crystal of diamond

Posted Date:-2021-10-17 11:35:21


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